COTE D’IVOIRE: A Shot in the Arm for the Northern Livestock Sector

Aly Ouattara

KORHOGO, Northern Côte d Ivoire, Jun 27 2007 (IPS) – As Côte d Ivoire tries to pick up the pieces after five years of civil war, efforts are getting underway to deal with a notable casualty of the conflict: the health of livestock in the north, formerly under rebel control.
Starting next month and ending January 2009, about three million stock animals will be vaccinated by authorities, with financial assistance from the European Union. During the war, government controls for maintaining the care of farm animals in northern Côte d Ivoire collapsed while much of the equipment used in these controls was destroyed. This led to a decline in the health of livestock, and a knock-on effect concerning the wellbeing of communities.

Today, there is no assurance …

A New Spectre is Haunting Europe

Roberto Savio is founder of IPS Inter Press Service and President Emeritus

ROME, Jan 17 2019 (IPS) – After Theresa May’s defeat in the British parliament it is clear that a new spectre is haunting Europe. It is no longer the spectre of communism, which opens Marx’s Manifesto of 1848; it is the spectre of the failure of neoliberal globalisation, which reigned uncontested following the fall of the Berlin Wall, until the financial crisis of 2009.
Roberto Savio

Roberto Savio

In 2008, governments spent the astounding amount of 62 trillion dollars to save the financial system, and close to that amount in 2009 (see Britannica Book of the Year, 2017), According to a US Federal…

The U.S. Assault on Mexico’s Food Sovereignty

“Remove corn and beans from NAFTA!” at a 2008 protest in Ciudad Juarez. It has been a longstanding demand the Mexican farmers’ movement. Credit: Enrique Pérez S.

CAMBRIDGE, MASS. , Jun 6 2023 (IPS) – On June 2, the U.S. government escalated its conflict with Mexico over that country’s restrictions on genetically modified corn, initiating the formal dispute-resolution process under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

It is only the latest in a decades-long U.S. assault on Mexico’s food sovereignty using the blunt instrument of a trade agreement that has inundated Mexico with cheap corn, wheat, and other staples, undermining Mexico’s ability to p…