Temporary Toilets Threaten Permanent Damage in Haiti – Part 2

Correspondents* – IPS/Haiti Grassroots Watch

Gérald Saintilimé and Gary Mathieu digging a septic pit at the Tabarre Issa camp. Credit: Fritznelson Fortuné

Gérald Saintilimé and Gary Mathieu digging a septic pit at the Tabarre Issa camp. Credit: Fritznelson Fortuné

TABARRE, Haiti, Mar 7 2012 (IPS) – Complete with gallery and garden, the 534 wood and plasterboard houses are arranged in neat rows on a gravel plot of former sugarcane land northwest of the capital.
At first glance, all seems normal in this new community, or as normal as anything has been in a country that suffered a 7.0 earthquake 26 months ago.

In most camps, refugees complain because they are still…

International Women’s Day, 2021More Women Leaders Make Better Societies

The upcoming Samoan election is a unique opportunity to encourage diversity in politics

APIA, Samoa, Mar 12 2021 (IPS) – This year it will be 128 years since the right of women to vote was first recognized, with New Zealand becoming the first nation to allow the participation of women in its general election in 1893.

From the suffragettes to today’s feminists, both men and women have fought to increase women’s political participation and representation. It has been a slow, sometimes bitter and occasionally even dangerous struggle. Yet global progress remains slow and uneven – as it does in Samoa. As we approach the 2021 General Election on 9 April, it is important to remember that women’s full and effective participation in all areas of life drives progress for ev…